Losing the KhoisUn being, and their heritage will be like waking up without the sUn

Losing the KhoisUn being, and their heritage will be like waking up without the sUn

Image: Stephan C. Schuster/Penn State University - In Namibia, members of the ancient tribe of hunter-gatherers still forage. New genetic research reveals they were once the largest group of humans.

We are the sUn people; it is in our DNA that we shine. When cultural heritage being of the Khoisan is compromised, it will diminish Africa's connection to its past, disrupts the transmission of traditions and knowledge, and erases the tangible and intangible markers of its identity. It will corrupt Africa’s DNA and Africa will shine no more.

Stephan C. Schuster a professor at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore has published research about the  Khoi-San and about how the population has decreased in numbers. When asked to describe the culture and what is being lost, he said… “The most important thing is the language. This is a "click language" in which clicks are like consonants. Linguists believe that the more clicks you have the older the language is, and this one has five, the most of any. There is also beautiful traditional music and singing that will be lost.”

 And on the skills and types of knowledge possessed by the Khoisan, he said … “They have incredible knowledge about animal behavior and about the environment. Where you and I would only see plants and scrub and thorn and dry wood, they see a lot of things you can eat. If you walk with a Khoisan, in the bush, he is constantly eating because he always finds something to nibble or chew on, and of course this is precious knowledge that we don't have. This is also their pharmacy, the herbs or the natural substances within the plants that will help them when they have ailments. Even the elders have absolutely pristine hearing and clear vision. And I think it is understandable if your life depends on your hunting skills.

Willa Boezak in his research article - The Cultural Heritage of South Africa’s Khoisan writes that … “The Khoisan regard land as Mother Earth, the God-given space where they have practised their culture for millennia. It is inextricably linked to their heritage in all its forms and without it the aboriginal people will not be able to reclaim their rightful place and dignity.

We should never take for granted the heritage of the Khoisan or to deny their language a space to have a conversation with other official languages in Africa.  As people of other tribes, we should never lose the confidence in the future of their own culture and civilization

The Editor
